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National Presidential Polls

Current 2024 Presidential Election Polls

National Presidential Polls

CNN Poll: Trump Leads Biden

A recent CNN poll found that Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 6 points among registered voters nationwide. This is a narrower margin than in previous polls, which had shown Trump with a double-digit lead.

ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Biden Leads Trump

However, an ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted at the same time found that Biden leads Trump by 4 points among registered voters. This poll also showed a narrowing of the race, as Biden had led by 10 points in a previous ABC News/Washington Post poll.

State-by-State Polling

In most states, there are no current polls available for the 2024 presidential election. However, the 270toWin Polling Average provides an estimate of the current polling average in each state. According to this average, Trump leads Biden in 28 states, while Biden leads in 22 states.


The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be a close race. While Trump currently holds a slight lead in the national polls, Biden is leading in some key swing states. The outcome of the election will likely depend on the turnout of both parties and the ability of each candidate to energize their base.
